Fã de X-Men possui coleção estimada em US$ 150 mil

Eric Jaskolka possui cerca de nove mil e quinhentos quadrinhos

A conta oficial do Guinness World Records no Instagram compartilhou recentemente uma imagem da coleção de Eric Jaskolka, que está concorrendo para entrar no livro dos recordes como o maior colecionador de X-Men do mundo.

De acordo com o site ComicBook, ele começou a colecionar quadrinhos, bonecos e todo tipo de produto relacionado ao grupo de mutantes da Marvel quando tinha 19 anos — a estimativa atual é de que ele conte com mais de 15.400 itens relacionados à franquia (cerca de 20 mil colecionáveis de todos os tipos, nove mil e quinhentos quadrinhos, quinhentas estátuas, 850 bonecos e muitas outras peças).


Visualizar esta foto no Instagram.


Fans of X-men @xmenmovies and @marvel comics, get ready to be amazed: US resident Eric Jaskolka has entered both the #GWR2018 edition and #GWRGamers edition for having the largest collection of X-men memorabilia! An expansive 15,400 item collection which includes backpacks, watches, candy and many other items, Eric first began collecting after his Sunday school teacher (who owned a comic book shop) introduced him to the series. Starting with comic books and toys, he eventually moved on to X-Men-related figurines in 1994. His favorite (if you couldn’t already tell) is Wolverine, who Eric connects with because: “He constantly struggles with the question: is he a man or a beast? He has these deadly claws that kill easily, like an animal, but he wants to be better, more man than beast; so he is in a constant struggle to contain his rage and anger. I think we all have different sides of our personality that we struggle with.” To see more objects in his impressive record and a full video interview, tap the link in our bio! #guinnessworldrecords #comics #Xmen #wolverine #collection #USA #toys #books #comicbooks #marvel #collectable

Uma publicação compartilhada por Guinness World Records (@guinnessworldrecords) em

Fonte: IGN Brasil
